Evolution of Popular Websites: Google

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Using the Wayback Machine (http://wayback.archive.org), an archive of past websites and designs, I have put together an evolution of Google's website. 

Evolution of Google

In November of 1998, Google was a prototype; the simple website contained a URL to the prototype search engine (on Stanford University's website). By 1999, Google had updated its website with company information and search options in a turquoise table. The branding had been established, depicting the primary blue, red, yellow (and lime green) colours with a serif font and an exclamation mark (probably a tribute to Yahoo!, the most popular search engine at the time). By the middle of 1999, the turquoise table was removed in favour of a simplistic website with its search option. 

In 2001, the simplistic design remained, but links to 'Advanced Search' appeared, and the branding was changed; the font became sans-serif and the exclamation mark disappeared. 

In 2002, a tabbed search feature was placed above the main search box so that users could search for content other than websites, but this was replaced in 2004 with text links and the introduction of new Google brands, such as Froogle. The simplistic design and logo remained for the next few years, until 2010, with a change in placement of the search option links to appear above the logo in 2007. 

In 2010, the branding was redesigned and modernised to tone down the shadow and to soften the colours. The simple layout exists in 2011, although the links above the logo have been removed.


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