'Doctor Who' Google Doodle Celebrates Fifty Years

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There's been a few interactive Google Doodles recently, but one of the best has got to be the fiftieth anniversary of 'Doctor Who' doodle, which has been launched today.

The British science-fiction television series 'Doctor Who'  aired in the 1960s and brought scary villans, such as the Dalek, into homes. The series aired for several years before being discontinued for a while. The series is more popular than ever now with the new episodes, and many seem to be inspired by the show. It is certainly more widely-known world-wide now than it was previously. 

This lets me write about two of my interests as I like the 'Doctor Who' series and I like seeing how Google rebrands itself and gets the public to interact with it.


The game is fun. In brief, the player gets to start out with the 'Doctor Who' of their choice. They are then taken to a series of different planets/times where the Doctor has to obtain the missing Google letters, stolen from a Dalek, while avoiding the Dalek. Running into the Dalek means that the Doctor regenerates into one of his other forms in order to continue.

For more information about the Google doodle, read one of my previous posts here: The Google Doodles Story: Evolution of Google's Doodle 

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