A Study of Human Form - Olivier Roubieu

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One street artist that I discovered last year when I went to Bristol's Upfest was French artist and photographer Olivier Roubieu. (His work impressed me so much that I made his portraits of a woman the cover image for the blog post about Upfest 2015.) The artist has also come to London and painted a bit now, and I photographed and posted some of his work toward the end of last year. I was unable to get a photograph of all of his work due to the ever-changing nature of street art.


I was impressed to see the artist has created more pieces around London this summer. The pieces appear to work as a series where the artist has left out the detail of the faces and focused on the form of the bodies, often demonstrating with light and shadow in the structure of the body and drapery.


The above piece features a girl (painted in black and white) reclining sideways on a chair, her legs lifted over the arm rest. Attemtion to her cut-off denim shorts and plaid shirt are given as well as the dimples in her leg and the shadow around her arm and her hair.


The second features a female with attention to shade, colour, and pose of the model.


Last, but not least, is a study of a female torso standing. Attention is given to how the light and shade appears on her body from her hands to her shoulders and her overall bones/texture. Also, important to note is the drapery of the cut-off denim shorts that she wears.

These are brilliant works, and I wish I could draw the human form half as well as this.

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