Jay Kaes Refreshes Pedley Street's Street Art

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At the end of last year, London-based street artist Jay Pedley painted the wall at the corner of Brick Lane and Pedley Street with a futuristic "social media" and virtual reality world. I covered this work here. The last piece was tagged over and refreshed over the past couple of months, so I was expecting it to be replaced soon. This week, Jay Kaes returned to the wall and painted a new virtual reality piece, and its use of bright colours and striking upside-down subject draw attention. I find this artist's work to usually be striking and reminds me of comic book illustrations.


The new artwork features a man hanging upside down, and he is dropping two mobile phones. These phones have silhouettes of people on them and floating figures. The man looks in distress while the floating figures appear to be in zombie-like states. 



The piece is really a striking one, so head over to see it.

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