Royal Wedding Afternoon Tea at The Royal Horseguards

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Last weekend was all about the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and American actress Maghan Markle. The weather was nice on Saturday, and many street parties were taking place with houses decorated with bunting and flags. While the event was not quite as large as Prince William and Katherine's wedding a few years ago, it was still a popular event with companies and people getting in on the excitement.


The Royal Horseguards is close to Embankment tube station and is located just off Whitehall. It was started as an area for politicians to socialise before becoming a hotel


First, we had champagne. 


The sandwiches included chicken, honey roast ham, smoked salmon, egg, and cucumber.


I had the Darjeeling tea, which is served loose-leaf.


The scones were a mixture of plain and fruit with plenty of clotted cream and strawberry jam.


The pastries were a selection of Royal Wedding-themed cakes with American flags, Union Jacks, crowns, and a portrait of the Queen. The one with the American flag is a pecan tart. The one with the Queen is a mint macaroon. The crown one is a miniature red velvet cake with marshmallow topping, and the final one was a chocolate sponge with a hint of salted caramel. (I think it is meant to be two rings.)



Overall, it was not the best afternoon tea experience in London. The service was slow and we had to wait awhile as they did not get part of the order correct. The pastries were okay but none of them really stood out as particularly delicious. So, while the pastries looked creative, there was a lack of detail in the presentation and some were presented broken. 

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