Happy 100 Years, RAF (#RAF100)

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The Royal Air Force (RAF) turns 100 years this year, and at least a couple of museums are taking part with the Royal Air Force Museum at Hendon (read about my visit here) and the Battle of Britain Bunker at Uxbridge re-opening earlier this year after renovations. I've not yet been to the Battle of Britain Bunker at Uxbridge, despite it only being a 15-minute drive away, but I did visit the RAF Museum in Hendon (near Colindale) a couple of months ago, and it is well-worth a visit and has expanded. So, even if you have been in the past, it's worth another visit to see the new displays.


On Tuesday, the RAF celebrated 100 years with a fly-past in central London. This brought together several different types of aircraft from Chinnok helicopters to modern and historical planes such as Spitfire, Tornado, Lancaster, and Hurricanes. The fly-past ended with a Typhoon formation in the shape of "100" and the Red Arrows flying past with red, white and blue colours. Happy 100 years to the RAF!

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