Autumn Photographs at Feltham/Sunbury "Chertsey Road" Lake/Pond

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I took some decent autumn photographs of the privately-owned and secured lake (pond) off Chertsey Road in Sunbury-on-Thames/Lower Feltham. The pond (it's too small to be considered a lake in my opinion) is owned by a private large corporation who have a large campus here, so you can only enter if you have permission to do so. I took the walk last week during the early afternoon, and it was a lovely walk with very few people around. A small pathway winds around the pond, and there are a few boards on bird identification.


There are several nice views of the pond from different angles, picnic benches for food, and a couple of people who had brought fishing gear in order to fish along the pond here. The trees were at their most beautiful here when I visited. Overall, the colours have been decent this year.





This is private property, so you would need to get permission to go onto it, and I don't think you could get permission unless you are working for the company or know someone who is. It's not a large area/pond, but I thought the photographs would be good to post because many cannot enjoy this space, and I thought it was such a peaceful location with beautiful fall colour to share. The pond does not have a name as far as I am aware of, but it is located beside "Lakeside Sports Ground" and just south of Greenham's Pit. It was probably created as a pit as well, but I am unable to find out anything about it. There are quite a few lakes, ponds and resevoirs in this area of London.

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