Pancakes: "Crème de la Crêpe" in Covent Garden

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Tomorrow is Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday), and this day has come around quickly this year. This year, I am working across the road from Covent Garden, so I popped in to "Crème de la Crêpe", located in the lower floor of Covent Garden market, for a crêpe. A crêpe is similar to a pancake, but it is the French variety that is less fluffy than the American counterpart, which uses more flour and less egg. The French crêpe can be served sweet or savoury, which is the main difference between the two; American pancakes are always a sweet dish even though can be enjoyed with a rasher or two of bacon. "Crème de la Crêpe" serves a large selection of both sweet and savoury crêpes; they also sell salads and smoothies.


I opted for a sweet crêpe, called "Lady Loves" which was dark chocolate, strawberry and cream. The strawberry and chocolate were wrapped inside the crêpe, so it's not exactly Instagramable, but it tasted really good. I was worried that it would be too filling, but it was actually just right and left plenty of room for a light lunch beforehand. 

"Crème de la Crêpe" started in St. Andrews in 2004 and came to London, setting up in Borough Market, in 2007. They then opened up at Covent Garden night market before opening a cafe at Covent Garden.


In the UK, Shrove Tuesday is celebrated by eating pancakes and called "Pancake Day"; in the US and other countries, "Mardi Gras" is celebrated and more of a carnival atmosphere. The day marks the day before Ash Wednesday, which is meant to be fourty days of fasting before Easter. The day usually takes place in February but can take place in early March.

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