Lockdown Pancake Day 2021

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Pancake Day 2021 is very different this year; it is a lockdown Pancake Day. Last year, Pancake Day fell at the end of February, and I had gone to work and had pancakes for lunch in Covent Garden (see my post from last year: Happy Pancake Day! Pancakes at Pancs, Covent Garden). This day was the first day where I started to learn about COVID-19 and started to be careful and also started to feel anxious about being out. This year, there aren't any restaurants nor cafe's open to eat inside (or outside), so Pancake Day had to be enjoyed from home. Unfortunately, my pancakes do not look very attractive, but I tried!


I ordered some pancake mixes from Etsy from a company that creates different flavours of mixes. The Little Pancake Company started up inspired by childhood memories of making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and then carrying the tradition with friends and flatmates. Quality ingredients are used in the mixes. The Little Pancake Company want its customers to enjoy pancakes at any day of the year, and in America, pancakes are a common breakfast food. Each pancake mix sold allows the company to donate a hot meal to a needy person through a charity known as FoodCycle. 



I ordered three different pancake mixes: apple crumble and cinnamon, toffee apple, and rocky road. The mixes require egg and buttermilk (though you can substitute milk and a squeeze a lemon for buttermilk). The apple crumble and cinnamon pancakes were too lumpy, and the apple chunks in it did not seem to cook well. I had better luck with the toffee apple.


Today, I had the Rocky Road pancake mix, which contains chunks of dark chocolate and marshmallows. To finish it off, I covered it in chocolate spread. It did not look very attractive, but it was tasty. This and the Toffee Apple mixes were my favourites.


I hope you had a great Pancake Day and managed to flip pancakes without too much of a mess. Happy Lockdown Pancake Day!

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