Dippy the Dinosaur on Tour in Norwich

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After being replaced from the entrance to the National History Museum in London, Dippy the Dinosaur has gone on tour in the UK. Dippy is a Diplodocus dinosaur, and its last stop on tour is Norwich Cathedral where Dippy will be on display until the end of October. Thousands have seen the dinosaur skeleton in Norwich so far, and there are various art displays on the way, including drawings by school children of the dinosaur and work by local artists.


Dippy is located in the cathedral's central nave, and part of the cathedral is open for visitors to have a look around after seeing the dinosaur. I had a wander around and found the resident cathedral cat, Budge. Budge started coming into the cathedral from 2018 as his owners live in the close. He is said to have wandered in to the Good Friday service at the cathedral. He must really enjoy it as he spends a lot of time hanging out.


There are some nice views of the cathedral, and my favourite view has to be from path by the river. There are playing fields here, so a game was in full swing.


Visitors have time to see Dippy until the end of October, and the cathedral is open and free to visit during this time.

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