Spring is Coming to Eastcote and Takeaway Cake, Cake Villa

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The weather has not been great recently with rain and clouds, but there was a bit of sunshine last Saturday and Sunday at the end of February. I remember that last year at this time, the crocus flowers were out at the Eastcote Cricket Grounds, and some daffodils were also emerging at Eastcote House Gardens. There was lovely weather, so I decided to take a walk at the same time this year to see if there were any flowers. I was impressed that there were, and I also discovered a new cluster of daffodils a little further along that I did not walk to last year. (You can read last year's here.)


There were a lot of crocus flowers, but I thought it was not quite as many as last year. I feel that last year had more sunshine and warmer days. They look amazing, and the visit was exactly a year apart. Last year, I had visited it during my half-day Fridays, and I remember it well because we had the first really warm weather of the year and the bloke was finishing his last day of work that day.



I then headed into Eastcote to grab some cake from Cake Villa. I had the pistachio cake, and I took this to Eastcote Gardens to eat while enjoying the sunshine and a few daffodils that had come up.




Eastcote High Street is roughly a ten minute walk from Eastcote House Gardens, so it is great to walk to and grab some shopping or lunch. The cafe at Eastcote House Gardens is currently closed, but there is a cafe there. It's just closed longer at the moment due to staffing problems. 

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