Sunday Lunch Jazz at Ronnie Scott's - 100th Birthday Tribute to Doris Day

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I've been wanting to visit Ronnie Scott's jazz venue in west London for several years now, and I finally got to visit on Sunday. I visited for Sunday lunch with the tribute to Doris Day, who would have been 100 years old on Sunday, my day of visit. I love jazz and Big Band music, and I would love to return for a proper jazz show at some point. 


The tribute is a celebration of Doris Day's life on film and record with Sarah Weller as the lead singer and the Mad Men as the musicians behind the show and special vocalist Gavin Skeggs. The tribute followed approximately two and a half hours of Doris Day's career with songs from her films "Calamity Jane", "Pillow Talk", and others. The songs were combined with some facts from the life of the singer.



I enjoyed a three-course Sunday lunch meal with a bottle of Prosecco and a few cocktails. I had sweet potato and carrot soup to start, and the bloke had salmon. We both enjoyed our roast chicken meals, which were served with roast potatoes, carrots, parsnip, peas, a Yorkshire pudding, a bit of stuffing, and gravy. The chicken was tender, and the food was delicious overall.



For dessert, I had the delicious lemon tart, and the bloke had a selection of ice cream. 


I had a couple Pomme Collins cocktails and a Strawberry cocktail. (I wanted the Watermelon Man one as I love watermelon, but they did not have the ingredients for it. The bloke had the Jamacian one; I'm not a lover of rum, and it smelled strong.)

We enjoyed the music and the food. The food and drink is expensive, but it is enjoyable to do it once for a treat, especially as we've not been out to threatre or shows for the past couple of years, so spending a little more this time was to justify to make up for the missed time.

I would love to go to a later show for one of their jazz events at Ronnie Scott's.

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