The Whirlwind that was Summer and Autumn 2023

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The summer went very quickly this year, and I have not been keeping my blog as up to date as I have done in previous years due to my work situation. I have not wanted to spend more time on front of my laptop as that's what I have been doing all day. So, things that I have enjoyed in my previous life have got a bit neglected this year. Most of the summer was a wash-out and cold. We had a few days of warmer weather here and there, and we had a few glorious days in September. Below is a few things that I managed to get up to.


I ordered some garden furniture, and it took ages to arrive. It finally came in September, just in time for a few days of warm weather. I tried to sit outside as much as possible after work and in the remaining sliver of light before the sun went behind the houses. I would have an ice-cold drink. On the weekends, I would have my lunch or dinner outside. I invited friends over for drinks and dinner too.




In September, I was invited by a friend's daughter to Bingo. This was held at the Ruislip Rugby Club. I nearly got one filled out, and the remaining number I needed was 13! They called 14 instead, and someone else had that number as their last number. Bad luck. Our table did manage to win a few sweets.


Earlier in the summer, I went to Westfield shopping centre, and after looking around the shops for some new clothing (as one big thing is that I am losing weight as I put a lot on especially over the pandemic), I had lunch at Indi-go. It serves traditional Indian food. It was very filling.


I then managed to save room for a miniature pistachio ice cream from Snowflake, which was near to Indi-go.


Of course, I mentioned a lot of lunch or dinner dates with friends. We had several dinner evenings where one of my friends would cook at their house. I hosted a couple of these as well. Everyone likes pasta, and it's quick and easy to make, so these turned out to be pasta evenings.


I did try to walk every day in order to lose weight and get the exercise needed as I have spent so much time in front of computers this year. On the warm evenings after work, I managed to do the long walks that I used to get to do in the last company I worked at because I had a good work-life balance there. I would walk from Ruislip Manor to Eastcote. I did not get to venture the full walk to Pinner this year, however. I did visit Eastcote House Gardens a couple of times.




The yarn-bombed post boxes do pop up every once in a while. I managed to take a photograph of this one by the Royal Mail post office featuring the character "Postman Pat". 


Of course, with autumn coming, the sunrises look spectacular with a lot of colour. The days are getting shorter.


During my walks, I also would visit Ruislip or walk around the local fields to get my exercise. I worked all the way to and around Ruislip Lido as well.



On one of those days with the beautiful weather, I popped into an Indian restaurant or a cocktail bar to get a drink or two and enjoy the warm evening as much as possible.


There was one of the days toward the end of last month that I went to see the butterfly trail with my friends and her daughter, and I suggested Chin Chin Labs for ice cream. Due to autumn starting, they had a special candied corn ice cream treat with pumpkin ice cream. My friend's daughter got a sundae.



After walking around for a little while, we enjoyed cocktails. I ordered a bowl of this cocktail. We ended up in Leicester Square at All Bar One. The cocktail bowl was very colourful with real edible flowers and orange slices.


All year, I kept thinking that work would quiet down, but it has not done. I don't see it quieting down at all now until the end of the project, which may be in March. I am constantly feeling drained and losing motivation. I feel like I do not have much of a social or personal life at the moment.

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