Ashford Snowdogs Charity Art Sculpture Trail in Kent (England)

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This year, the now-annual "Wild in Art" snowdog charity sculpture trail visits southern England. The character behind the sculpture trail is based upon the story by Raymond Briggs called "The Snowman and The Snowdog". It all started with an animated short "The Snowman" in 1982, a story about a little boy and a magical snowman. In 2012, a sequel was aired with the return of the snowman and the introduction of the snowdog character. This year is the 40th anniversary of the publication of the story. 

Bagdogg - Peter and Emily Firmin

The past two years have brought the snowdogs in creative variations to different parts of the UK, and they are now in their third year. In 2016, the snowdogs went to the north of England (Newcastle) and Brighton. In 2017, the snowdogs could be found in Cardiff. This year, they are in the south of England again in Ashford, Kent. The sculptures raise money for local charities, and I believe these are put in place to start communities in raising more money for charity and having new sculpture trails in the future.

Vincent Van Pooch - Beverley Fisher

Patch - Phillippa Goddard

Snowbrador - Ruby Cooper

Pow-wow - Jenny Leonard

Give a Dog a Bone - Oliver Winconek

Doodle Dog - Mr Doodle

Bark Kent - Victoria Robbins

Goldie - Lois Cordelia

Pawberry - Leah Pendleton

Lest We Forget The War Dogs (1918-2018) - Lois Cordelia

Stripes - Deven Bhurke and Pastel Harlequin - Catherine Digman

Made in Ash-Hound - Danielle Williamson-Tinybeegle and Wildflower Meadow - Deborah Woodward

This week is the final week of the snowdog trail in Ashford, Kent. The sculptures will be auctioned on the 3rd of December, but visitors have one more chance to see them on December 1st at a farewell event where all of the snowdog sculptures will be put together.

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