February/March Heart and Floral Designs at London Shops

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Restaurants and cafes in London are realising that they can get more people in the door and excellent publicity simply by creating stunning floral displays on their shop fronts. People are flocking to these cutesy cafes and snapping away photographs of themselves in front of the floral displays and then posting them on social media. This then encourages more people to visit for the FOMO (fear of missing out) factors so that they can try this slice of lifestyle and get social media approval. More and more London cafes are doing this, so I snapped a few of these myself. 


The first is at Maddox Gallery off of Regent Street (pictured below). This stunning multi-level floral display features heart designs with pink heart neon lights. This continues to three floors. I snapped this one on Valentine's Day, so I'm sure it's been removed now. Also, quite a few others were snapping away too. I am unsure if they discovered the wonderful heart display by chance or if they saw it on social media first.



Elizabeth Street between Victoria Station and Slaone Square is another location with quite a few shops that decorate. This little corner of London has always decorated for the run-up and the weeks following the Chelsea Flower Show, but it's also now decorating for trade earlier in the year.



Peggy Porschen Cakes is one of the little cafes on this street, and they created a simple "love" message made with pink roses and also included various heart and Eifel Tower motifs in the windows.



Fait Maison, a restaurant located on Gloucester Road, also went all out with beautiful floral heart displays. Its vintage-inspired rose and carnation display was my favourite this spring.


This just goes to show how restaurants are investing in beautiful floral window displays to encourage people to come in, and this new drive has been born out of social media and modern technology which gives everyone the change to become a photographer to document the life around them.

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