Long Street - Otto Schade, CodeFC, The Krah

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I thought that I would include another series of street art that I had photographed in the past but never got around to sharing. The artwork was located on Long Street, and I believe that this area has been rebuilt in more recent years, so I do not think the murals exist. There were three murals in a row (and other murals on the street), and the artists were The Krah, CodeFC, and Otto Schade.


First up, The Krah is a group of artists from Athens who are based in London and have painted on the streets before with a rough illustration style. Murals of female subjects often feature in their works, and there is an element of fantasy. Read my last post by The Krah here: The KRAH Paints in East London.


CodeFC is another London-based artist, but their work in London is rare. They painted a lot during the 2012 Olympic games in London. Their work can be seen here: Street Art: 2Square, CodeFC, Jim Vision, Mr. Cenz, Peter Drew, Zadok 


Otto Schade is the busiest of the three featured street artists, and his work features often in London. On Long Street, his mural depicts a bird in flight using a style of illustration featuring a 'ribbon-like' style to create the bird; the bird feathers are blue, yellow, and pink. My latest post about the artist can be read here: Street Art by Otto Schade.


Hopefully things will feel safe and I will be able to get out to see what has happened with the street art scene in east London in the coming weeks.

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