Happy Valentine's Day

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Happy Valentine's Day to my readers! As I mentioned in my last post, I have been so busy during the week that I'm left exhausted in the evenings and on weekends. It also gets dark early still. The days are getting a bit longer, though, and spring is on its way. I can see that a few blossoms are out, and my Maine Coons are starting to shed their excess fur. (As soon as I get rid of the tumbleweed of fur, another replaces it within moments.) Removing the stray fur it's a never-ending game at the moment. I hope that things get more manageable with work. I've been taken advantage of in the past, so I am trying to be careful. Life is for living, after all. I've spent too much of my time sacrificing myself only to be treated poorly or just generally taken advantage of. It's time for that to stop now. It has been tough because I enjoy what I do, and I want to please people. I have high functioning anxiety.


So, what have I been up to today? I bought some colourful flowers last week, and I've been enjoying looking at them. They are so colourful. 


I started early and put in a hard stop in my day to head out to London before it got too dark. I wanted to visit some street art yesterday, but I just felt too exhausted. So, I made an effort to do it today, and getting out did feel good, and this is the only exercise I have been getting. I headed to Humble Crumble before I left to have their Valentine's Day special - cherry bakewell crumble with custard and marshmallow flowers. It was delicious; I love sour cherry.  

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