"View" by Naomi Blake in Fitzroy Square

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Naomi Blake is a sculpture who was born in the former Czechoslovakia in a region that is now Ukraine. She was born in 1924 to Jewish parents and was originally named Zisel, which meant "sweet", but her parents changed her name in 1948. She survived the Holocaust and was a teenager imprisoned at Auschwitz and a survivor; many family died there. She endured more struggles and tried to escape to Palestine after the war where she was shot and had to recover in hospital; this is where she started to make carvings of figurines. Her sculptures depict her experiences as a refugee and survivor. She has displayed her work since the early 1960s. One of her permanent sculptures is "View" in Fitzroy Square.


The sculpture appears to be an organic form with a circular "window" where the viewer is encouraged to look through to frame or glimpse what is on the other side. The sculpture was placed here in 1977 for the Queen's Silver Jubilee event.

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