A Visit to The Design Museum in Brussels

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When I visited Brussels in February, I spent a couple of hours in The Design Museum, which was included in the cost of the visit to the great exhibition structure Atomium (see my post about the Atomium here) and is a few hundred yards away from it. The Design Museum has a huge exhibition on plastics and different types of plastic. It features on different designs of furniture, homewears, and objects made of plastic, which was a popular material in the 1970s and 1980s. The exhibition discussed the different types of plastic (something which I never really considered) and how it is made. It also discussed sustainability and the environment. There was a large element of plastic used in modern design to contrast with the traditional, and I spent some time looking through the exhibition. 


There was also a large area for reserves of plastic items and to keep the plastic in good condition.


How many different designs of chairs can you make in plastic?


Plastic isn't my choice of material for furnishings or anything, but this material has changed the world when it became mass-produced and is used in so many products.

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