"Le Cat" Walks Brussels Bronze Sculpture Trail

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When I was in Brussels last month, I came across these bronze sculptures of "Le Cat" character that stars in a comic series. The sculptures were located in Parc de Brussels in the centre of the city and confined to one area to view. They depict the character in different roles or in different settings, such as a doctor, golfer, eating ice cream, lifting weights, and so on. The bronze sculptures are based upon illustrations from the comic. There are eighteen in total to see, and there is also an app available to download about them, which was advertised. The app tells about the sculptures and how the scuptures were made.


le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

le cat 

I was not familiar with the comic series "Le Cat" before I visited Brussels. The comic seems to be cultured obervations about life and society.

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