Ben Jay Crossman Paints 'Guardian Angel' on Hanbury Street

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Today's post features street art by Ben Jay Crossman, who is currently in the UK. Ben Jay Crossman is an artist whose parents lived in South Africa after moving from the UK, but they never sorted out their child's citizenship. Crossman had gone to the states for a show but was deported, and instead of being sent back to his home (as he never did live in the UK), he was deported to the UK where his original citizenship was held. As a result of the citizenship problems, Ben Jay has used that to inspire his work. Ben Jay Crossman's street art is grafitti-style spray painting portraits, pets, and fantasy illustrations. He also paints his tags with alien flying saucers along with his work, which tribute to his "illegal alien" status. The street artist painted one of the high-profile walls on Hanbury Street with a giant somo wrestler, and the piece is titled "Guardian Angel".


Well, America's loss is London's gain in this respect. Hopefully the artist will be able to continue painting some fab pieces in the city.

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